
AlSi10Mg is a typical casting alloy with good casting properties and is used for parts with thin walls and complex geometry. The SLM / DMLS process is characterized by extremely rapid melting and solidification: this enables mechanical properties in the as-built condition similar to T6 heat-treated cast parts. Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, good corrosion resistance, good electrical conductivity, high dynamic toughness and excellent thermal conductivity AlSi10Mg is a good choice for automotive, aerospace and automation applications.
Main characteristics
- High strenght to weight ratio
- Good electrical and thermal characteristics
- High dynamic toughness
Main application
- Heat exchanger
- Automotive components
- Aerospace parts
AISI 316 L

AISI 316L Stainless Steel is an austenitic stainless steel, not age or precipitation hardenable. It delivers good general mechanical properties including high corrosion resistance and toughness to 300°C (572°F). The chromium and nickel content is at the upper range of the AISI 316L specification which delivers the increased corrosion resistance. The chemical composition is equivalent to ASTM F138 making it suitable for medical applications.
Main characteristics
- High strenght
- High corrosion resistance
- High ductility and toughness
Main application
- Chemical industry
- Food industry
- Medical devices